
Meat Lasagna
Wrap the Ricotta cheese in cheesecloth and place in a strainer over a bowl. Weight the Ricotta with some plates…
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Zucchini Pasta
Gluten free is all the rage these days. This recipe takes care of that, and is vegetarian, too.
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Pasta Trigiani
My friend David Trigiani is a dual-citizen Italian and a lover of all things— food, wine, design, and women— that emanate from that country. He has taught me numerous Italian dishes in his home in Jackson, Mississippi. Many came from his mother’s kitchen in his childhood home in Pennsylvania, others he learned on his many travels through Italy. This recipe is one that David has made for me dozens of times.
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Bucatini al Amatriciana
This classic Italian dish comes from the town of Amatrice in the Lazio Region— which includes Rome— and Pecorino Romano is the cheese that is used in this dish. Period. They are serious about that. It’s not Amatriciana with any other cheese.
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