March 17, 2020 Good morning, everyone. We are living in strange, and scary times. The atmosphere around the restaurants is very surreal. It’s almost as if we are living in a movie— and not a lighthearted romantic romp, a whacky screwball comedy, or even a big-business drama— but a disaster movie about a heretofore unknownContinue reading “The Current State of Affairs”
Author Archives: Robert
The Bon Ton Café
A week ago this morning, I was in New Orleans on a quick getaway with my wife. While reading the newspaper at my usual breakfast spot that morning, I noticed a story that mentioned that the legendary New Orleans restaurant, the Bon Ton Café, would be closing at the end of the week. Friday wouldContinue reading “The Bon Ton Café”
When I look over the past two decades in my life as a parent of a daughter and son, there are many moments that make me want to swell with pride. I remember the time my elementary school-aged daughter befriended a girl in her Sunday School who announced to the class that she had noContinue reading “Parenting”
Column Notes
For the past 20 years, this column has covered hundreds of topics, some obscure, some newsworthy. It’s mostly a food column, but I write a lot about travel and family. Like many other paths I have taken in my professional career, I became a newspaper columnist by accident. One day I was a restaurateur withContinue reading “Column Notes”
The Best Kind of Date
It’s amazing to me how some parents have it figured out automatically and from the start. Some just get it. I don’t know if parenting was an intuitive thing for me or not. I feel like I was pretty good at it. If I wasn’t it wasn’t for lack of trying. I think I focusedContinue reading “The Best Kind of Date”
The American Dream
Several years ago, country music legend, and noted Mississippian, Marty Stuart, and I were on the dais of a radio show. While we were each waiting our turn to go on the air, we struck up a conversation about one of my favorite subjects— and most certainly one of his— our home state, Mississippi. Stuart,Continue reading “The American Dream”
The Early Days
Just a little over 32 years ago, I was a few weeks into the honeymoon phase of my first restaurant opening. There have been 17 other openings since then. They have all been stressful and hectic, but there is something about the first one that holds such a special place in my heart. Yesterday, IContinue reading “The Early Days”
A Fateful Ride
Last week a Facebook ad crossed my timeline in search of recent college graduates who might be interested in driving a hot dog on wheels all over the country for a year. Most people would be shocked reading such a solicitation. I, however, didn’t give it a second glance. I am an expert in ridingContinue reading “A Fateful Ride”
There is a game I play with a few of my foodie friends. It’s based on the question: “If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?” It’s a harder question to answer than one might think. I love steak, but would I want to eatContinue reading “Croissants”