PETROGNANO, TUSCANY— Last night I was sitting at the long dinner table in our Tuscan villa. Fourteen of my American guests from all across the South were enthusiastically engaged between courses. I found myself doing something I often do—pushing my chair back from the table and leaning back to take it all in. The roomContinue reading “The Hospitality Gene”
Author Archives: paul
Gratitude and Candor
At 63, I’m still a work in progress. If you’d asked me at 30, I’d have told you I’d have life and business all figured out by now, with nothing left to do but coast. How wrong I was. Back then, I thought I’d cracked the code of my 20s and that my 30s andContinue reading “Gratitude and Candor”
My first clear memory of her is not a happy one. It’s when she came into my brother’s bedroom and told us our father had just passed away. I was six. My final memory of her isn’t good either. She was in the hospital, unable to talk, unable to recognize me. It was just twoContinue reading “Mom”
Sicily 2024
Palermo, Sicily— Travel has a way of opening the world, peeling back the layers of the familiar, and revealing the extraordinary. It’s something that grabbed hold of me 13 years ago when I first took my wife, my then 14-year-old daughter, and my 10-year-old son on an adventure of a lifetime. We flew to Sweden,Continue reading “Sicily 2024”
A Silver Anniversary of Sorts
There’s something comforting about a Saturday night in a Mississippi catfish house. The smell of catfish frying, and the familiar buzz of friendly voices make one feel as if you’re exactly where you are supposed to be in that moment. My wife and I were at Cuevas Fish House in Purvis after a full dayContinue reading “A Silver Anniversary of Sorts”
Mississippi You’re on My Mind
“Home is the nicest word there is.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder It’s true that there’s no place like home, and I deeply and dearly love my hometown of Hattiesburg and my home state of Mississippi. I could live other places, but I never will. My family’s taproots are deep rooted in the loblollys of SouthContinue reading “Mississippi You’re on My Mind”
The End of an Era
“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” — James N. Watkins The restaurant business, and all its aspects— positive, negative, challenging, rewarding, complicated, and simple— is my life. I love what I do. Other than my faith, family, and friends, restaurants have brought the most joy toContinue reading “The End of an Era”
Michelin Dreams and BBQ Realities
My 23-year-old son is starstruck. It’s not Hollywood celebrities that have his attention these days—it’s the stars awarded by Michelin for restaurant excellence. For over a century, the Michelin Guide has been handing out its coveted stars, a system that was started to sell tires but quickly became the world’s highest culinary honor. My son,Continue reading “Michelin Dreams and BBQ Realities”
Labor Day at the Lake: A Family Affair
My iPhone read 8 a.m. when I woke up this morning. For anyone who knows me, that’s quite the feat. My days typically start well before the sun even thinks about rising, my internal clock drags me out of bed between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. on most mornings, whether I’m ready to wake up,Continue reading “Labor Day at the Lake: A Family Affair”