It Ain’t a Party Until Someone Brings Out a Block of Cream Cheese

1 8oz block cream cheese
Peach Topping
¾ cup peach preserves
1 /8 tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp crushed red pepper chili flakes
¼ tsp paprika
Pinch of salt
Blueberry Topping
¾ cup Blueberry Preserves
1 Tbsp finely minced shallot
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
1 /8 tsp cayenne pepper
Orange Topping
¾ cup orange marmalade
1 Tbsp horseradish
2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
¼ tsp white pepper
1 Tbsp sour cream
Peach Topping
Combine ingredients. Top cream cheese with half of the mixture. Reserve other half to pour over cream cheese as the topping is consumed.
Orange Topping
Combine ingredients. Top cream cheese with half of the mixture. Reserve other half to pour over cream cheese as the topping is consumed.
Blueberry Topping
Heat preserves and shallots over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Combine vinegar with cornstarch and stir it into simmering preserves. Remove from the heat and stir in peppers. Cool completely. Top cream cheese with half of the mixture. Reserve other half to pour over cream cheese as the topping is consumed.