Category Archives: Uncategorized
Roy Clingon the Bee Man and two new hives for Bonhomie Gardens
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Good Work If You Can Get It
Being a food writer is a pretty sweet gig if you can get it. I fell backwards into food writing over a decade ago. My early stuff was bad, really bad; some might take the stance that the new writing is not all that great either. Nevertheless, it’s where my passion lies— or is itContinue reading “Good Work If You Can Get It”
Trends in the Restaurant Biz
Over the course of my 30 years in the restaurant business, I have seen many trends come and go. In the early 1980s, I remember reading a trade magazine article about how computers were going to play a major role in the restaurant business. At the time, I was working as a server in aContinue reading “Trends in the Restaurant Biz”
The Beauty of Bees
I planted an organic two-acre garden a few months ago to raise fresh fruits and vegetables for our restaurants. Several weeks after the plants began sprouting, I started looking for beehives. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure why I needed a beehive beside the fact that bees pollinate plants, and I had heard a few old-timers atContinue reading “The Beauty of Bees”
Steak and Biscuits
My daughter turned 13 on Memorial Day. On their birthdays, my wife and I let each of the kids choose their three meals for the day. My daughter, the most devout carnivore in our house, wanted steak and biscuits for breakfast. Steak and biscuits has long been one of the favorite special-occasion breakfasts in ourContinue reading “Steak and Biscuits”
Cookie Dreams and the Snack-Caste System
A friend of mine dreamt that she could plug an Ethernet cable into a chocolate chip cookie and hear what was going on inside of the cookie’s mind. What a great dream. I’d love to dive inside the mind of a chocolate chip cookie. I wonder if there is a caste system among cookies? AreContinue reading “Cookie Dreams and the Snack-Caste System”
Garden Update
Several weeks ago I wrote the first in a series of columns that will chronicle the progress of our two-acre organic restaurant garden. Today’s update is brought to you by the Roma Tomato Growers Cooperative. There is a strong possibility I might have gotten carried away while planting our Roma tomatoes. A year ago weContinue reading “Garden Update”
Food and Music
The two longest-running loves of my life have been food and music. Fads, trends, and people have come and gone, but my love for food and music are constants that have never changed. I spent countless hours of my youth in record stores looking at albums and listening to music. We didn’t have much moneyContinue reading “Food and Music”