The year was 1968. It was my 7th Christmas. Also, the first Christmas after my father died. The only thing I asked for that year was an Easy Bake Oven. When my mom took my brother and me to visit Santa Claus at the Maison Blanche department store in New Orleans (because that’s where theContinue reading “Easy Bake Memories”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Neck Deep In King Cake Development
It looks like 2023 will go down as the year of the king cake— at least in my book. I have bought more king cakes, eaten more king cakes, and sold more king cakes this year than all my previous years put together, and probably by a factor of 20. For the past six yearsContinue reading “Neck Deep In King Cake Development”
An Unbalanced Force in the Foothills
BLACKBERRY FARM— A portion of Newton’s Law of Motion states, “An object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed, and in a straight line, unless acted on by an unbalanced force.” I am not sure if Blackberry Farm has ever been described as an unbalanced force, but for the past 25 years, thatContinue reading “An Unbalanced Force in the Foothills”
A Golden Opportunity
To be successful in the restaurant business it takes total commitment and sacrifice. It’s a brutal way to earn a living. But for those of us who are bit by the bug, and are totally obsessed, we couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Bankers hate restaurants. The reason bankers hate restaurants is because of the highContinue reading “A Golden Opportunity”
It’s A Tough Job but Somebody’s Got to Chew It
“A party without cake is just a meeting” –Julia Child It started as a whim. It ended as a quest. A quest that probably added five percent to my total body mass index, an inch to my waistline, and almost put me in a diabetic coma. But it’s what I do. I eat for aContinue reading “It’s A Tough Job but Somebody’s Got to Chew It”
Breakfast, Routines, and Bacon
Many of the business books I am familiar with go into great detail about how successful people commit to a rigid routine in their workday. A specific time is set aside for checking emails, another period is devoted to text responses. Some of these experts allot time— down to the minute— for phone calls, meetings,Continue reading “Breakfast, Routines, and Bacon”
Restaurant People
It is my belief that some people are born with their life’s mission already implanted deep in their DNA. Just as we are wired at birth to like certain foods, musical styles, and activities, I am of the school that believes that careers and interests are hardwired from the start. It’s better that way. We’dContinue reading “Restaurant People”
Local Hopes
NEW ORLEANS— The practice of making New Year’s resolutions is something that has never interested me. I guess I have just always assumed that I could make a vow to myself on any day, and if it’s something that I really need to do, or a practice that I need to start implementing, then IContinue reading “Local Hopes”
RSJ Top 10 Meals 2022
For the 22 years I have written in this space, I have always reserved the final column inches of the year to list my top ten meals of the previous 12 months. Here’s this year’s list. 10. Trattoria Mario, Florence I first ate at Mario in 2011 with my wife, 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son.Continue reading “RSJ Top 10 Meals 2022”