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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.


My wife doesn’t believe in expiration dates. Seriously, she thinks that the “use by” date on a package or carton is merely a suggestion. Last week I found a can of vegetables in the back of the pantry that had expired during the Clinton administration. There are food items in our house that are soContinue reading “Expired”


For over 20 years I have written this column sitting at my desk in our restaurant’s business office. Today is different. I am sitting at a booth in the Ward’s hamburger restaurant across the street from my office. I received a call earlier today that the owner and co-founder of Ward’s, Richard Ward, passed away.Continue reading “Ward’s”


“He was a brave man that first ate an oyster”— Jonathan Swift The “food firsts” in my life have all been memorable. I remember the first time I ever ate lamb. Actually, I remember the first time I was ever told that I was eating lamb. I had actually been eating it for years, butContinue reading “Oysters”