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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Daddy Breakfasts

Every parent has a go-to breakfast. In our house, my wife typically makes the before-school morning meal. Most days, I was already at work while the kids were preparing for school. I fill in on occasion with daddy breakfasts. Daddy breakfasts are usually reserved for special occasions or out-of-town sojourns with the guys. Typically, it’sContinue reading “Daddy Breakfasts”

Jolly Senses

My senses are strongly connected to my memory. Something as small as a single thought can trigger a vivid recollection. But nothing brings back a memory more intensely than four of our five senses— sound, smell, sight, and taste. Sorry, touch, you’re out of this conversation. When I hear an old song on the radio,Continue reading “Jolly Senses”