There is a game I play with a few of my foodie friends. It’s based on the question: “If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?” It’s a harder question to answer than one might think. I love steak, but would I want to eatContinue reading “Croissants”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Shrimp, Smoke, & Shirley
In the 1960s and early 1970s of my youth there wasn’t a lot of dining out in my family. Most special occasions were hosted by my grandmother in her dining room. On the rare instance our family dined out my favorite restaurant was a place called Captain John’s. Captain John’s was located on Howling Wolf’sContinue reading “Shrimp, Smoke, & Shirley”
Orange Memories
There are many ways to sum up a person’s personality and character. Attaching labels to them is a shortcut, but probably the most frequently used. I am called a restaurateur, columnist, author, tour leader, and a few other choice— and sometimes unsavory— things. But of all of the titles or labels that might be assignedContinue reading “Orange Memories”
RSJ Top Ten 2019
Each year I compile a list of the top 10 dining experiences I enjoyed throughout the previous year. The list is never about the most expensive meal or the finest atmosphere. This end-of-the-year list covers the meals that were most memorable to me. 10.) Breakfast with Friends Before the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, my homeContinue reading “RSJ Top Ten 2019”
Merry Christmas
For the 20-plus years I’ve written this column I have not written about my faith very often. I feel that my faith is strong, but it’s a food-travel column for the most part, and it never seemed the proper forum. Nevertheless, this year my publish date is on Christmas. I don’t know if the newspapersContinue reading “Merry Christmas”
The First Christmas Bonus
Last night we held our 32nd annual manager’s Christmas dinner. There were 30 people seated at the table for our once-a-year steak and ribs dinner. We’ve held the dinner at Donanelle’s for the past 15 years. It’s my favorite dive bar/steakhouse. It’s my management team’s favorite dive bar/steakhouse, too. We all agree that Donanelle’s isContinue reading “The First Christmas Bonus”
An Atypical Tuscan Farewell (Or How Annagloria Saved the Day)
3:59a.m. Barberino Val d’Elsa, Tuscany— I am dead asleep in the small apartment below Villa il Santo. The pizza I had consumed hours earlier worked better than any over-the-counter melatonin to put me down. I was dead to the world and exhausted from leading a group of 24 Americans on a weeklong trek through Tuscany.Continue reading “An Atypical Tuscan Farewell (Or How Annagloria Saved the Day)”
Home Away From Home
BARBERRINO VAL D’ELSA, TUSCANY— My friend, collaborator, and business partner, Wyatt Waters, and I are working back in Italy this week leading a group of people through one of our favorite parts of the world. We’re turning all 25 of them on to the people, places, and things that we have discovered through the years.Continue reading “Home Away From Home”
Memories and the Greatest Trick Ever Played on Kids
Memories are the fuel that ignite and continually stoke this column. I have written in this space for over 20 years— approximately 1,000 words per week, 52 weeks a year— and have never missed a week, not one. I write mostly about food, but family and familial memories often enter the subject matter. Travel hasContinue reading “Memories and the Greatest Trick Ever Played on Kids”