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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Memorial Day 2021

Author’s Note: This column is being written on Memorial Day. Due to the publishing schedules of the various newspapers in which this column appears, it will be read anywhere from two days to one week after Memorial Day. An editor might say, “It’s not timely.” I would respond, “It’s always ‘timely.’ This subject is somethingContinue reading “Memorial Day 2021”

To the Mississippi Graduates of 2021

It’s graduation season. Granted, this year’s high school seniors have experienced an extremely weird junior and senior year. But the conclusion of this once-in-100-years craziness is nearing an end. It seems that is this part of the world we are, once again, hosting graduation ceremonies with caps, gowns, cords, and commencement addresses. The world mightContinue reading “To the Mississippi Graduates of 2021”

RSJ’s New Orleans Restaurant Recommendations 2021

NEW ORLEANS— This city is, unquestionably, one of the top five restaurant cities in America. I would imagine that if one were to poll national food critics New Orleans would be listed among the top three. To my taste— and I’ve eaten extensively in most of America’s top restaurant cities— New Orleans is number one.Continue reading “RSJ’s New Orleans Restaurant Recommendations 2021”

The King of All Breakfast Foods (In honor of the Queen of Pancakes)

I am a bonafide breakfast person. I was born a breakfast person, all through my early school years I was a breakfast person, and I am a breakfast person today. Even in my sleeping-late-because-I-partied-all-night-late-teen-and-early-twenties years I was a breakfast person. Granted, during that period I was eating breakfast at 3:00 a.m. before I passed out,Continue reading “The King of All Breakfast Foods (In honor of the Queen of Pancakes)”