Last week Austin Leslie, the creator of Creole-Soul food and a true New Orleans culinary journeyman, died in Atlanta. He was 71. Leslie, who most recently manned the stoves at Pampy’s Creole Kitchen, was best known for his groundbreaking Creole Soul-food restaurant Chez Helene and his world-class fried chicken. I met Leslie while he wasContinue reading “The Loss of A Legend”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Elementary Vegan
The other day my eight-year old daughter told me she had become a vegetarian. A vegetarian? Oh, the betrayal. What hath my sins wrought? She comes from a long line of devout carnivores, what have I done to make God so angry? She might as well have told me that she had just enlisted inContinue reading “The Elementary Vegan”
The New Orleans Culinary Resurrection
The New Orleans Culinary Resurrection In the September issue of Bon Appetite magazine, New Orleans was listed as one of America’s top five restaurant cities The ill-timed edition— which hit newsstands two weeks prior to Hurricane Katrina’s landfall— serves as a tangible reminder of what the nation’s restaurant customers have lost. The other four cities—Continue reading “The New Orleans Culinary Resurrection”
My Coast
Down around BiloxiPretty girls are dancin’ in the seaThey all look like sisters in the oceanThe boy will fill his pail with salty waterAnd the storms will blow from off towards New Orleans— Jimmy Buffett The Gulf Coast is my second home. I grew up one hour due North; in the Piney Woods of Hattiesburg,Continue reading “My Coast”
Hurricane Katrina
The link below is an excellent site to view an insiders digital diary of the days leading up to, and after, hurricane Katrina Stay tuned
Notes, Thoughts, Hurricane Fatigue, and Hope
Living one hour north of the Gulf of Mexico has its advantages. Then again… I hope to never again take electricity and running water for granted. After seeing hours of bad news on television— people shooting rescue workers and doom-and-gloom talking heads— it’s good to know that there are people out there getting the jobContinue reading “Notes, Thoughts, Hurricane Fatigue, and Hope”