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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

The Great Christmas Compromise

The Great Christmas Compromise Christmas is full of compromises. When couples wed they bring many things into the union. I’m not talking about bachelor-apartment wire-bale coffee tables, milk-carton two-by-four college-dorm shelving, or great-grandmother’s tacky faux-antique tea set. I’m talking about family traditions and ideas about how things are done within the family unit. Nowhere areContinue reading “The Great Christmas Compromise”

The Mississippi Culinary Hall of Fame

Mississippi’s literary history is well documented and recognized nationwide, from Mr. Faulkner to Walker Percy, Willie Morris, Eudora Welty, and John Grisham. The blues were invented here and musicians from Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Willie Dixon, and Robert Johnson have called Mississippi home. The father of Country music, Jimmy Rogers, along with Faith Hill, CharlieContinue reading “The Mississippi Culinary Hall of Fame”

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go On A Diet….

It’s cookbook testing time, again. Last week I started a new diet. This week I started the recipe-testing phase for a new cookbook. Testing recipes and watching calories go together like the New Orleans Saints and the Super Bowl, never the twain shall meet. Last spring I signed a three-book deal with Hyperion books inContinue reading “Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go On A Diet….”

Bathroomitis and the Joys of Lavender Soap

My four-year old son used to be an extremely rowdy restaurant customer. Early on, he screamed like a banshee while eating in restaurants. Later, during his terrible twos, he graduated to holding conversations with customers seated at surrounding tables while they were hopelessly trying to finish their meal. Today, in terms of enjoying a peacefulContinue reading “Bathroomitis and the Joys of Lavender Soap”