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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

The Tastes of Summer

…Pik-A-Pak convenience store where I could purchase a whole display box of Sour Apple Jolly Ranchers for, you guessed it, $5.00. That box which probably held 100 of the tart,…

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Vacation Foods

…“local color” of a community. The chain restaurant in one city is always going to be exactly like the chain restaurant in the next city, and the next, and the…

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Las Vegas

…always has been. A perfect breakfast doesn’t have to include complicated and overwrought dishes using rare ingredients and complex preparations— to my thinking, the simpler the better. I once ate…

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Pot Roast

…I took all of the classic dishes we grew up with and updated them, oftentimes adding professional cooking techniques and preparations. The pot roast in that book, and the one…

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Got Ketchup?

…able to market the ancient version today. Put it this way: If there was a category five hurricane just hours away, and in the preparation panic all of the grocery…

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The Bear Truths

…I’ve been on both sides of that stat. Upon completion of my third viewing of the first two seasons I have a completely different attitude about “The Bear” than I…

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It’s Not North or South, It’s Just Local

…and below it host some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets I have ever witnessed. The food was good, lemons made frequent appearances on menus, and seafood was plentiful….

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From A Fruit Cart

…I considered myself a self-appointed representative of the entire Hattiesburg restaurant community, and in that role, there would be only one choice to feature— The Coney Island Café. The Coney…

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Small Town Guy

“I cannot forget from where it is that I come from Cannot forget the people who love me Well, I can be myself here in this small town And people…

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