Black Strap Molasses Muffins

3/4 cup Hot Water
1/2 cup Molasses
1/4 cup Milk
2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
2 cups All Purpose Flour
3 Tbl Baking Soda
1 1/2 Tbl Salt
3/4 cup Sugar
1 1/2 cups Pecans, roasted, cooled
Preheat oven to 325.
These muffins come out best if the batter is made at least 8 hours in advance.
Combine the molasses with the hot water and stir well. Add milk to the molasses mixture and set aside.
Sift together the two flours, baking soda and salt. Add nuts and sugar to the sifted flours.
Gently fold in the wet ingredients into the flour/nut mixture. It is very important not to over mix this batter (it is fine if there are small clumps of dry mixture still visible). Store batter in refrigerator until ready to bake.
Using a nonstick muffin pan, fill each muffin mold with 1/3 cup of the batter. Bake 15-18 minutes.
Let muffins cool slightly before removing them from the muffin pan. Serve warm.
Yield: 12-16 muffins