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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

One Who Has Wintered Well

…the food is authentic, and we never grace the doors of a tourist trap, but we order more food than Italians would typically order. Yet we still lose weight. It’s…

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Food and Music

…local record store is T-Bone Records. I love that place. In my opinion, to be a well-rounded and comprehensive community of any merit, there has to be a strong independent…

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Spring Forward

…Mother Nature’s coming out party. I always fall victim to EPS, early pollen syndrome. It’s similar to the first cold snap in the fall. In mid-October the weather gets brisk…

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Donuts and Age

…would say that, maturity-wise, I am still in my teens… early teens. I ate breakfast this past Saturday and felt older than I have ever felt before. Sadly, I have…

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My Favorite Season

…just finished a meal where freshly picked sweet corn was a component, all the better. Football season and fall are synonymous. The weather is cooler, the air is crisp, and…

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A wide view of the Mahogany Bar Patio with feet propped on the fire pit ledge.

To the Morning

…I love my early mornings as they are the only period in my day that seems to be 100% mine. Lack of the organized chaos in the beehive that is…

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Cooking with Dad

…into the restaurant business which certainly pleases me, but it’s been 100% his idea. I haven’t pushed anything on him. The restaurant business is too brutal to force someone who…

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Ice & Tweezers

…than to order the most expensive thing on the menu as a nine-year-old, yet I did it anyway. I was a starving student for a while in my late teens…

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…was appropriate. Maybe all of the politeness and entertaining I was exposed to in my youth helped form this spiritual gift. On the nurture end, the standards set by my…

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