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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Mississippi’s shrimp season is open.

…stopped. She never looked up, and she never once complained, or even hinted at an expression that demonstrated complaint. The daughters were smiling and joking with each other. Their mother’s…

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Creative Collaboration

common goal is enjoyable, rewarding— both personally and professionally— and successful. Nowhere has collaboration— in my personal life and professional career— been more gratifying, fulfilling, and outright fun than the…

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Back In the Saddle

…wife, was “all in” on the restaurant business. She knew that one day the early commitment to establishing the business would pay off. She never complained about the long hours,…

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Dinner with the Boy

…only had a few days left before they do the traditional closing for the summer months, and we got in just under the wire. He liked the place so much…

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The Ultimate Super Bowl Party

…down several invitations to Super Bowl parties. We were honored, and appreciated the invitations, but I’ve grown a little anti-social when it comes to big football games. I like to…

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It Takes a Village (or at least a dedicated team)

…independent retailers who sell my books, to those who take time out of their day to come to a book signing to purchase one of my books, the online…

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There is a game I play with a few of my foodie friends. It’s based on the question: “If you could only eat one food item for the rest of…

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Cousin Jim

…daily lives that make the world a more interesting place in which to live. That was Jim Longino. The older I get the more I appreciate the uniqueness of people….

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The Joys of Fatherhood

…when they will be out from under my wing, and I will be longing for even the challenging times. Parental joy comes at the least expected times. Last Saturday morning…

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