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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Garden Update III

…ingredients are coming from our garden, but because it’s just a great-tasting, local dish. I created the Baked Shrimp and Squash dish about 10 years ago, during my first foray…

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Father’s Day 2011

…ice cream— a perfect ending to a perfect day. The food was great. The company was better. Though the thing that solidified the occasion as one of my most memorable…

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Catch of the Day

…If the marinade becomes too thick, add 1-2 tablespoons of warm water. Once all of the oil has been incorporated, add seasoned salt, onion powder, paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, white…

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Benton’s Bacon is Best

…skins so they will ship well, redder color so they will have more eye appeal, and grown to be picked early and ripened in a box on the way to…

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A Tale of Two Heavens

…has morphed into two resorts, each a reflection of its leader. Kreis Beall, the resort’s founder, created a lush, highly decorated environment with a tasteful English-country feeling. Sam, the son…

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A photo collage of family photos over the years.

Location, Location, Location

The older I become the more I appreciate crossroads in life. All of us reach different crossroads at various times during our lives. I can look back over the course…

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Lights, Camera, Vegan

…The Roasted Sweet Corn and Tomato Salad was, indeed, Vegan so all would be well that night— and for years to come— in Tinseltown. The diet snafu was resolved and…

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The Morning Beverage Minority

…Times. On occasion I would order an exotic frappe-something-or-other. At Christmas I would order the Holiday Blend, at Valentine’s the White-Chocolate Blend, and on Millard Fillmore’s birthday, I would order

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Mississippi Darts

…good, but he still spoke with an Italian accent. “I’m sorry,” he said. He was dissing Mississippi. Years ago this would have made me furious. When one is doing business…

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