Over the six-plus years I have written this column I have never missed a week. At 750 words each week, that’s roughly 253,500 words total, depending on how badly I am censored by my editors. Over the course of that period, I have stirred up more controversy, frustrated more editors, upset more newspaper readers, andContinue reading “Remove the Foot and Eat Some Crow”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Easy Bake Oven 2007
Easy Bake Oven 2007 When I was six-years old, I asked Santa Claus for an Easy-Bake Oven. He gave me one. My brother his friends gave me a hard time about it, but they always ate the miniature cakes and pizzas that came out of the plastic, cyan-colored cooking toy. They might have ribbed me,Continue reading “Easy Bake Oven 2007”
Angels, and Devils, and Diets, Oh My!
Angels, and Devils, and Diets, Oh My! I picked the wrong month to go on a diet. Like a million other slugs out there, I started dieting the day after New Year’s. Since then, business travels have taken me on several waistline-expanding trips. For the first several days I walked around with a diet angelContinue reading “Angels, and Devils, and Diets, Oh My!”
Fried Chicken Once a Month, Please
The Mississippi legislature is banning fried foods from our school cafeterias. At least we’re better off than Rhode Island. In that postage stamp of a state they’ve banned talking in the school cafeteria during lunch. Well actually only one school has barred talking, but you know how these things work— once one falls the othersContinue reading “Fried Chicken Once a Month, Please”
Olives When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, the Beau Rivage hotel and casino was inundated with water and its future changed forever. Its restaurants were completely wiped out and the entire operation was shut down for one year. In 99.9 percent of the cases, that was a bad thing. For that .1 percent thereContinue reading “Olives”
Viva Las Diet
Viva Las Diet LAS VEGAS— So much for the diet. I was on a two-week roll with eight pounds lost, good eating habits formed, and metabolism ginning like a gnat’s— then came the Christmas present. Christmas morning my wife gave me a trip to see the new Cirque de Soleil show based on the Beatles’Continue reading “Viva Las Diet”
Diet Diary Week II
Diet Diary Week II Welcome to week two of dieting hell. I hesitated to write about this subject two weeks in a row for fear that new readers to this column might think that the only topics ever discussed within these paragraphs are my eating habits (or lack thereof). The hesitation only lasted a fewContinue reading “Diet Diary Week II”
2007 New York has banned trans fats, Chicago has banned foie gras, and my hometown of Hattiesburg has just banned cigarettes. That is how I intended to start this week’s column. Typically, I would use the next several paragraphs to make fun of the overzealous food police, vegetarians, and New Yorkers in general— some ofContinue reading “2007”
Robert’s Top Ten 2006
Robert’s Top Ten 2006 As is the tradition in this column, each year I compile a list of the top ten dining experiences I enjoyed over the past year. The list is never based on price or atmosphere. I believe that good food can be served in a fine-dining environment or in a run-down diner.Continue reading “Robert’s Top Ten 2006”