Ye Olde Foode and Gas-e Costs I paid $100 to fill my gas tank today. Actually, the pump stopped at $99.38, but I kept squeezing the handle, topping it off, and eking the last $.62 out of the pump just to see if our economy had actually reached a point where it takes a clean,Continue reading “Ye Olde Foode and Gas-e Costs”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Turn Row Books
My friends at Turn Row Books in Greenwood, MS spent the entire weekend cooking from New South Grilling. The following is swiped from their blog at A Weekend of New South Grilling Nothing heralds the arrival of summer like a good barbecue. In anticipation of Thursday’s event with popular Mississippi chef Robert St. John,Continue reading “Turn Row Books”
Table Fifty-Two
CHICAGO— It’s mid May and the tulips are still blooming on Michigan Avenue. I’m up here for a book signing and making full use of my spare time eating my way through the Windy City. Art Smith opened his signature restaurant here a few months ago. Table Fifty-Two is a quaint little eating place tuckedContinue reading “Table Fifty-Two”
Recipe Requests
Recipe Requests I receive requests for recipes all of the time. For the first 10 years I was in business at the Purple Parrot Café and Crescent City Grill, I wouldn’t give out recipes. Early on, Bon Appetit magazine and Food & Wine magazine asked repeatedly for our Corn and Crab Bisque recipe. I wouldn’tContinue reading “Recipe Requests”
Cookbook Interview
My newest cookbook, New South Grilling (Hyperion, $29.95), had its national release last week. Since I am the newspaper’s food writer, the duty falls to me cover the book’s release. Therefore I will interview myself. Columnist Robert: Good morning, Robert. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with me. Author Robert:Continue reading “Cookbook Interview”
Tough Chefs
Tough Chefs Chefs are tough. They have to be. Cooking in a professional kitchen is one of the hardest jobs out there. The pressure is high, the heat is intense, and the skill set needed at the upper level of the restaurant business is earned more than learned. A lot of people get into theContinue reading “Tough Chefs”
Leftovers I know a man who never has to eat leftovers. I grew up across the street from him. When he woke up in the morning, breakfast was waiting for his arrival to the table. In the middle of the day, he left work and drove home to enjoy a freshly prepared lunch. When heContinue reading “Leftovers”
Too Short, or Too Demented?
Too Short, or Too Demented? “You’re too short for your weight,” said my doctor. “Pardon me,” I said. “I’m looking at this chart, and it says right here that you’re way too short for your weight. You’re supposed to be between six-feet five inches and six-feet seven inches tall,” he said. “But I’m five-ten.” “IContinue reading “Too Short, or Too Demented?”
You’ve Come A Long Way, Mississippi
You’ve Come A Long Way, Mississippi In 1987, when I opened The Purple Parrot Café in my hometown of Hattiesburg, the wine situation in Mississippi was bleak. At the time the Alcohol Beverage Control Division of the Mississippi State Tax Commission, the state agency that purchases, stocks, and distributes liquor and wine, had only beenContinue reading “You’ve Come A Long Way, Mississippi”