Tailgating During Fall in Mississippi It’s mid September in Mississippi. Is it fall yet? Yesterday I was watching the Weather Channel and the announcer talked about “fall” weather in the Northeast. Fall in September? You’ve got to be kidding. Not down here. We know the word “fall,” but we never experience the actual season untilContinue reading “Tailgating During Fall in Mississippi”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Tailgating During Fall in Mississippi
Tailgating During Fall in Mississippi It’s mid September in Mississippi. Is it fall yet? Yesterday I was watching the Weather Channel and the announcer talked about “fall” weather in the Northeast. Fall in September? You’ve got to be kidding. Not down here. We know the word “fall,” but we never experience the actual season untilContinue reading “Tailgating During Fall in Mississippi”
The Denomination of Punch
The Denomination of Punch I am a Methodist because my grandfather owned a pair of shoes. My great-grandmother was a Baptist. My great-grandfather was a Methodist. My grandfather was the oldest of seven boys. His family was poor and could only afford Sunday shoes for the two oldest boys. The five younger boys stayed barefootContinue reading “The Denomination of Punch”
Subway 911
Subway 911 A man in Jacksonville, Fla. was arrested last week for making fraudulent 911 calls.He wasn’t calling the police station to ask if their “refrigerator is running?” and he wasn’t asking the dispatcher if she had “Prince Albert in a can?” The Associated Press reported that Reginald Peterson was hauled off to the pokeyContinue reading “Subway 911”
911 funny – The most amazing home videos are here
Eating Ones Way Through the 100-Meter Freestyle
Eating Ones Way Through the 100-Meter Freestyle My wife is nuts about the Summer Olympics. Every television in our home is tuned to the games in China and she calls me hourly with details of how well the United States is doing against the Lithuanian handball team. I’m more of a Winter Olympics-type guy. I’llContinue reading “Eating Ones Way Through the 100-Meter Freestyle”
Peaches One of the unexpected benefits of writing a weekly food column which is centered mostly around food is that people always give me food. I love my job. At a book signing earlier this year a man walked up with a flat of blackberries and blueberries. “Here, check these out,” he said. An entireContinue reading “Peaches”
The Hillbilly Gypsies– Shuckin' the Corn (Live)
The Hillbilly Gypsies – “Shuckin the Corn” – LIVE – Click here for the most popular videos
World's Worst Music Video
The World’s Worst Music Video – Funny videos are here