What’s In A Name? Whenever I give a speech or speak to a classroom full of students, I always solicit questions. It’s my favorite part of the process. I am much more interested in responding to issues people are interested in than trying to decipher what they want to hear. One of the most commonContinue reading “What’s In A Name?”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The 11 Worst Foods of 2008
The 11 Worst Foods of 2008 I have been told that more gym memberships are sold in January than during the other months of the year, combined. Being in the restaurant business for 28 years, I can attest that more diets are started during the first month of the year. I can personally confirm thatContinue reading “The 11 Worst Foods of 2008”
Culinary Infidelity
Culinary Infidelity I have been cheating on my wife. It’s true. I’ve been sneaking around behind her back, and lately my rendezvous’ have been getting more frequent. I feel guilty and believe it’s time to air out my dirty laundry. This might seem like an odd forum to address marital infidelity, but I am notContinue reading “Culinary Infidelity”
Move Over, Ralph Lauren, The Burger King’s In Town
Move Over, Ralph Lauren, The Burger King’s In Town When I was a young boy, a neighbor asked if Santa was going to bring me everything on my Christmas wish list. I told her, “Yes.” My mother jumped in and said, “Don’t be so sure, Robert. You know Santa keeps a naughty and nice list.”Continue reading “Move Over, Ralph Lauren, The Burger King’s In Town”
Robert’s Top Ten 2008
Robert’s Top Ten 2008 Each year, my final column is a list of the top ten dining experiences I enjoyed over the previous twelve months. The list is never based on price or atmosphere. I believe that good food can be served in a fine-dining environment or in a run-down diner. The only considerations areContinue reading “Robert’s Top Ten 2008”
Eggnog I am not a fan of eggnog. I quit drinking alcohol over two decades ago, but that has nothing to do with my dislike of eggnog. I could drink the non-alcoholic variety if I wanted to; I just never developed a taste for it. Earlier today, while watching a football game, my 11-year oldContinue reading “Eggnog”
Give Me Some Skin Big Ganny
Give Me Some Skin Big Ganny During the first 20 years of my life I never encountered a boneless, skinless chicken breast. When I was a child, all chicken came under cellophane with bone and skin attached. The drumstick, the breast, the thigh, and even the wing, all had skin and bones. That’s the wayContinue reading “Give Me Some Skin Big Ganny”
Newk’s Evil Chocolate Cake
Newk’s Evil Chocolate Cake I am on a diet. A diet is a serious problem for someone in the restaurant business. It also poses a predicament with my second day job— being a food writer— which requires, at a minimum, eating a lot of food and then writing about it. There are several food itemsContinue reading “Newk’s Evil Chocolate Cake”
Three Mississippi Girls (and one man)
Three Mississippi Girls (and one man) The holiday shopping free-for-all has begun. The retail craziness used to start the day after Thanksgiving, these days shopkeepers begin gearing up the week before Halloween. No one knows what effect the economy will have on this Christmas season, but one thing is for sure: Whatever happens in 2009,Continue reading “Three Mississippi Girls (and one man)”