Yesterday I ordered a pizza online. I didn’t get in my car, I didn’t pick up the phone, I never even spoke to anyone. I just logged onto my laptop and 30 minutes later, I was shaking crushed red pepper flakes over my thin-crust pepperoni. The ordering of the pizza and the ingredient selection wasContinue reading “Pizza”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Dinner Party Conversation
WATERCOLOR, FL— The older I become the more I appreciate substantive dinner party conversation. I am on the second leg of a Spring Break sandwich that started in the rapidly melting Spring snow of Colorado and has ended on the sugar white sands of the Florida Panhandle. I am here with my family on aContinue reading “Dinner Party Conversation”
Salads The weather is warming and salad sales in the restaurant are booming. I like salads, but I am not an entrée-salad eater. I like a salad as a small course or as a component or accompaniment to a main course. When I am entertaining friends at home, I rarely serve a salad. Sometimes atContinue reading “Salads”
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is a paradox. It’s an annual feast day set in the middle of a season in which people are supposed to be fasting. During my childhood in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, St. Patrick’s Day was nothing more than a small mention in my elementary school classroom and the opportunity to pinch someone if theyContinue reading “St. Patrick’s Day”
Quiche Muffins
ASPEN— The question of the day is: How far will a man travel for a Quiche Muffin from Paradise Bakery? The answer: 1,362 miles. Well, actually, I was out her on Spring Break with my family, but we’re staying in Snowmass, 12 miles away. I had a craving for a Quiche Muffin from the ParadiseContinue reading “Quiche Muffins”
The Lenten Season has begun. In most Christian denominations, Lent is the 40-day period of fasting and prayer before Easter. Growing up, I attended church, religiously. If the doors were unlocked at Main Street United Methodist Church in my hometown of Hattiesburg, I was usually there— Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesday evenings, Thursday night youthContinue reading “Lent”
Cocktail Sauce
Cocktail Sauce Yesterday, I was watching my 11-year old daughter eat Chargrilled Oysters at Drago’s in New Orleans while my seven year-old son ate fried shrimp. Oysters and shrimp are the foods from my youth which still lease a substantial plot of real estate in my heart. While we were sitting at the counter inContinue reading “Cocktail Sauce”
Four Diamonds
Four Diamonds I am currently in my 10th year of writing this weekly column. For the last decade I have written approximately 750 words every week, 52 weeks a year, without ever missing a column. Over the course of those 520 columns, 352 recipes, and roughly 390,000 words, I have written about strange foodstuffs, quirkyContinue reading “Four Diamonds”
The Good, the Bad, and the Spicy
The First Presbyterian Church in my hometown asked me to serve as a judge in their first annual chili cook-off this weekend. After some persistence, I agreed. I have tried to wean myself off of judging cooking contests. Several years ago I was asked to judge an out-of-state cooking contest where the contestants were askedContinue reading “The Good, the Bad, and the Spicy”