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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Hunger at Home

For over 25 years, the primary focus of my professional career has been food. In my personal life, food has played a major role, falling just behind faith, family, and friends. I create, prepare, and sell food for a living. When I’m not working, I’m traveling, eating, and writing about traveling and eating. I eat a lot. WhenContinue reading “Hunger at Home”

Praline Bacon

For the last few months I have been hearing about a dish called “Praline Bacon.” It was popping up in conversations, in emails, on websites, and inmagazines. I had never heard of Praline Bacon, so I took these randomoccurrences as a Celestine suggestion, and made a decision to lookinto this strange new food product. OfContinue reading “Praline Bacon”