I write this on the eve of one of the most daunting and challenging days of my life. The sword of Damocles is dangling above my head. I am encompassed by a sense of foreboding and live in fear that much wailing and gnashing of teeth is looming just around the corner. Our country mightContinue reading “Vegetarian II”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
I am about to be a vegetarian.
I’m not going to be one of those I-still-eat-chicken-and-fish vegetarians. I am going to be a die-hard, I-eat-nothing-with-a-face-or-a-tail vegetarian, a hardcore vegetarian, a no-turkey-with-my-tofu vegetarian. For the entire month of September, I will abstain from eating beef, pork, poultry, fish, or seafood of any kind— nothing with a face or tail. For those who haveContinue reading “I am about to be a vegetarian.”
Canned Peaches
My friend David invited me to lunch at his club in Jackson. The club was nicely decorated and comfortable. In one room there was an upscale buffet and in another a salad bar. I don’t eat at many buffets. Actually, since my neighborhood Thai joint changed hands, I don’t eat any buffets. I have nothingContinue reading “Canned Peaches”
The St.John International Culinary Field Trip of 2009
I just took a trip around the world with my family. We ate in Italy first, then Japan on the first night, followed by Mexico, India, Austria, Viet Nam, China, Cuba, Morocco, France, with a few stops in different regions of America and at friends and family’s homes along the way. We were supposed toContinue reading “The St.John International Culinary Field Trip of 2009”
Culinary Field Trip- Day One
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 8:42am We hit Birmingham around lunchtime. I had a quick business meeting and then we went to Bottega for lunch. I am a fan of Frank Stitt and have eaten at Highlands Bar and Grill, often. The meals have always been great. Bottega was an overall disappointment– slow, unconcerned service,Continue reading “Culinary Field Trip- Day One”
The Little Things
Someone, somewhere once said something about “the little things.” I don’t know who it was, why he said it, or what publication it was printed in after he said it. I don’t even know if it was a he. Maybe it was a she who talked about the little things in life. Nevertheless, I knowContinue reading “The Little Things”
Family Vacation
Today I leave on a 10-day old-fashioned family road-trip vacation. We are loading up the family truckster and embarking on a 2,500 mile excursion that will take us through Nashville, Asheville, Winston-Salem, and up to Washington D.C. with the ultimate goal of taking my kids to see Paul McCartney in concert. We’ll spend a fewContinue reading “Family Vacation”
Family Vacation
Today I leave on a 10-day old-fashioned family road-trip vacation. We are loading up the family truckster and embarking on a 2,500 mile excursion that will take us through Nashville, Asheville, Winston-Salem, and up to Washington D.C. with the ultimate goal of taking my kids to see Paul McCartney in concert. We’ll spend a fewContinue reading “Family Vacation”
The French Laundry II
For years I have said that if I were ever asked to choose a “last meal,” I would select my grandmother’s leg of lamb. With all due respect to my late grandmother, I am amending my last-meal appeal. Sorry, Mam-Maw, my last meal is coming from the French Laundry The beauty of eating a lastContinue reading “The French Laundry II”