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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

My Mississippi

My Mississippi A decade ago, I wrote a short, stream-of-consciousness piece disputing the negative and stereotypical views the South. It quickly spread across the World Wide Web, spawned a couple of books, and a regional broadcast network’s imaging and branding campaign. Actually, it’s still making its way around the Internet. Several months ago I wasContinue reading “My Mississippi”

I did it.

I did it. I made it 30 days without eating meat, no seafood, either. A lot of you out there didn’t think I could do it. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I could do it. Now it’s over and, after today, I can start writing about something other than my intimate relationship withContinue reading “I did it.”

Remember to Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

It’s a Christmas Eve feeling, this thing I’ve got. Remember when you were seven-years old and couldn’t wait for Christmas morning— so much so, that you couldn’t sleep the night before. That type of anticipation and excitement is rare for those of us who have passed the third grade. There’s an anticipatory energy one feelsContinue reading “Remember to Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables”