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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

American Cheese

“Many’s the long night I’ve dreamed of cheese— toasted mostly.”— Robert Louis Stevenson I live in a house full of cheeseaholics. My wife, 12-year old daughter, and eight-year old son’s palettes are much more refined when it comes to cheese. The man of the house might be the one getting them to try pork cheeks,Continue reading “American Cheese”

Easter 2010

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the origins of food and certain dishes. I can usually trace most of the dishes I’m interested in, to meals I had in my youth. My culinary style— and most of the foods I’m interested in— comes from meals I remember eating at home, at relative’s homes, andContinue reading “Easter 2010”

Mama Alma

A few short years ago a beautiful, young, and energetic, Latino mother of four drove by a building every day and dreamed of the restaurant she hoped to open there. The building wasn’t much to look at— a former convenience store that had housed several failed restaurants— but to this driven and determined lady itContinue reading “Mama Alma”


I am not a coffee drinker. I would like to be a coffee drinker. I like the smell of coffee. I like the idea of drinking coffee. I just don’t like the taste of coffee. I drink orange juice in the morning. I’ve been drinking orange juice for as long as I can remember. AsContinue reading “OJ”

Say Nay to Na (Or How I Got the High Blood and Lived to Tell the Tale- so far)

“Your blood pressure is elevated,” said my doctor. “This is the second visit in a row. I’m going to give you six weeks and if you can’t get it down, you’re going to have to go on medication.” “Elevated?” I said. “It’s elevated because I’m at the doctor’s office getting prodded and probed in everyContinue reading “Say Nay to Na (Or How I Got the High Blood and Lived to Tell the Tale- so far)”