Food has constantly evolved over the history of man, from barbecued mastodon over a roaring campfire to seared grouper cheeks with a pomegranate puree, crispy sweetbreads, and a beetroot foam. Food has always been sustenance, but it has also been used for other purposes. Through the ages food has been used as a gift, aContinue reading “The Potato Gun”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Family Meals
Every December it has been customary for this column to publish an end-of-the-year list containing my favorite dining experiences that were enjoyed throughout the previous year. Typically, the list has been filled with restaurant meals enjoyed in Chicago, New York, San Francisco and the like. Sometimes the listings are white-tablecloth fine-dining establishments; sometimes I listContinue reading “Family Meals”
Holiday Food Icons
While thinking about the upcoming holidays, my thoughts turned to food. That should come as no surprise to people who know me, as my thoughts often turn to food. Just about everything in my life is associated with some type of cuisine. Granted, my everyday work life is filled with food, but just about everythingContinue reading “Holiday Food Icons”
The Extra Table Christmas Challenge
I can’t remember the last time I had to skip a meal because I couldn’t afford to buy food. In my past there were times when I was counting-change-in-the-sofa-cushions broke, but even then, I don’t know if I was ever in a situation where I needed a meal and wasn’t able to feed myself. That’sContinue reading “The Extra Table Christmas Challenge”
The Joy of Chocolate
There are many expressions that are associated with food. When one eats something that tastes good there is a distinct “tell” that even the most astute poker player would have trouble masking. It’s a facial expression that is impossible to hide. A perfectly seared Prime New York Strip steak– there’s a look for that. AnContinue reading “The Joy of Chocolate”
Thanksgiving Leftovers
I know a man who never has to eat leftovers. He’s adamant about it, and his wife consents. He is a lucky man indeed. Though I have always suspected that after Thanksgiving he changes his philosophy, tiptoes into the kitchen while everyone is asleep, sneaks a few leftovers, and eats them by the light ofContinue reading “Thanksgiving Leftovers”
The Side Dish Scuffle
Throughout history there have been many epic battles— Concord, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Normandy, The Battle of the Bulge, The Thrilla in Manilla, and The Rumble in the Jungle On Thanksgiving Day at my home there will be another epic battle. This skirmish has been fought every year for the past 23 years. It’s a conflict notContinue reading “The Side Dish Scuffle”
Most Memorable Meals
“What is your most memorable meal?” Whether I am answering email, fielding questions after a speech, or just carrying on a conversation with someone, that is the question I am asked most often. It’s a hard question to answer, mainly because the reply changes so often. It’s not that I’m wishy-washy when it comes toContinue reading “Most Memorable Meals”
Funeral Genes
The old adage states there are two things that are certain in life, death and taxes. In the South, the certainty goes a step further. If there is a death, there will be food, and lots of it. Southern ladies band together when there is a casualty among the ranks. The casserole committee goes onContinue reading “Funeral Genes”