Robert and his wife and kids are currently on a 12-month culinary and cultural journey through 30 countries on three continents. Stay tuned for daily updates
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Father’s Day 2011
I love being a dad. It’s the best— and most important— job I’ll ever have. So far, there have been several monumental moments my 14-year career as a father. Certainly the day each of my children was born tops the list. There are first steps and first words, and all of the funny expressions andContinue reading “Father’s Day 2011”
Jet-Fresh Relationships
One of the primary keys to success in the restaurant business is developing relationships— not only with your customers, but with your suppliers as well. Nowhere are relationships more important than with seafood suppliers. When my first restaurant, The Purple Parrot Café, opened in 1987 I had just moved home from a short stint inContinue reading “Jet-Fresh Relationships”
Most Frequently Asked Questions
I field questions on a daily basis, some through public appearances and book signings, others through email, but most often during face-to-face encounters in the restaurants. This column will attempt to answer the questions that I am most often asked. Question: Do you really eat all of that food that you write about? Answer: Yes.Continue reading “Most Frequently Asked Questions”
Summer Sandwich Staples
Summer Sandwich Staples South Mississippi has four seasons— almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas. However, early summer has an entirely different “feel” than late summer. During the early days of summer, school is out. The entire season lies ahead. No more early mornings, no last minute cramming for exams, and no arguments over schoolContinue reading “Summer Sandwich Staples”
The Garden, Speeches, and Big Boy
When my wife meets people at one of my book signings or speeches, they say things such as, “Your husband is so funny, I’ll bet he keeps the whole family in stiches.” To which she replies, “Yeah, he’s a real hoot,” swallowing her sarcasm. My wife is my toughest audience, she’s seen it, heard it,Continue reading “The Garden, Speeches, and Big Boy”
The Extra Table Smithville Project
This column might be the longest thank-you note I have ever written, but it is one that I was eager to pen. Two weeks ago I wrote a plea on behalf of the non-profit, Extra Table, soliciting donations for the victims of the F5 tornado in Smithville, Miss. The April 29th tornado left a three-mileContinue reading “The Extra Table Smithville Project”
The Flow
“We are in the middle of the flow.” That is what Roy the Beekeeper told me last spring. I didn’t know what “the flow” was, but, being a brand new apiarist, I just went with it and faked my way through the rest of the conversation. I learned later that “the flow” is beekeeper shorthandContinue reading “The Flow”
If one had been watching the national news recently, he or she would have seen hour upon hour of coverage about the terrible tornado devastation that blew through the state of Alabama. The damage was catastrophic and our hopes and prayers are with all of the citizens of Alabama and the other states that wereContinue reading “Smithville”