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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

The Flow

“We are in the middle of the flow.” That is what Roy the Beekeeper told me last spring. I didn’t know what “the flow” was, but, being a brand new apiarist, I just went with it and faked my way through the rest of the conversation. I learned later that “the flow” is beekeeper shorthandContinue reading “The Flow”


If one had been watching the national news recently, he or she would have seen hour upon hour of coverage about the terrible tornado devastation that blew through the state of Alabama. The damage was catastrophic and our hopes and prayers are with all of the citizens of Alabama and the other states that wereContinue reading “Smithville”

Best-Ever Lists

My friends and I are always comparing lists. I throw out questions such as, “What are your three favorite Beatles songs?” Or “What are your three favorite restaurants in New York?” Occasionally the questions become more specific, such as, “What is the best fish dish you have ever eaten?” Those types of queries are easyContinue reading “Best-Ever Lists”