I am about to embark on a yearlong journey to Europe. My wife, 14 year-old daughter, 10 year-old son, and I will travel to 30 countries over 12 months. I am writing two books, blogging for various newspapers, gathering recipes and culinary contacts, and writing this weekly column. The trip has been 30 months inContinue reading “Eating Europe FAQ”
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Eating Europe
This column is about to hit the road. On August 18th my wife, 14 year-old daughter, 10 year-old son, and I will hop on a jet in New Orleans that will eventually lead us to Istanbul, Turkey. One year later we will board a flight in Dublin, Ireland to return home. In between Istanbul andContinue reading “Eating Europe”
Bagel for breakfast
Cinnamon-Raisin Bagel with Extra-Virgin Olive Oil and Kosher Salt
Zac, Rusty, & White Chocolate Bread Pudding
Author’s Note- Have a broom and dustpan nearby while reading this column. Names are about to drop all over the place. KANSAS CITY— I am in the heart of the Midwest eating a meal with the Zac Brown Band and 200 of their closest fans. I met Brown during a meal I served this summerContinue reading “Zac, Rusty, & White Chocolate Bread Pudding”
The wisdom of Vonnegut & Heller
Joe Heller True story, Word of Honor: Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer now dead, and I were at a party given by a billionaire on Shelter island. I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel to know that our host only yesterday may have made more money than your novel ‘Cach-22’ hasContinue reading “The wisdom of Vonnegut & Heller”
Ad Hoc
Pop-up restaurants are hot these days. Chefs find underutilized spaces and open up temporary foodservice operations under minimalist conditions. Most have lines out the door for a few months and then they close shop under their own terms. Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc in Yountville is not a pop-up restaurant, though it did start out asContinue reading “Ad Hoc”
Guess who's coming to dinner?
A decade ago I wrote a column asking people to name the six people in all of history they would like to invite to dinner. I listed my six, and readers sent their dinner lists via email. I picked the most interesting guest grouping and posted it in a subsequent column. It’s a game IContinue reading “Guess who's coming to dinner?”
All-Vegetable Lunch
There is a huge difference between and all-vegetable lunch and a vegetarian lunch. I grew up eating all-vegetable lunches. In the summer, my mother and both grandmothers would devote, at least, one lunch a week to nothing but fresh vegetables and cornbread. I spent a year of my life one month eating a vegetarian diet.Continue reading “All-Vegetable Lunch”
The Caveman Couple Dine Alone
I am an easygoing guy. I rarely get mad. Though when I do, I usually choose the healthy path and internalize it. I’m also pretty good about minding my own business. If someone outside of my scope of friends and family wants to be an idiot, I have no problem letting them follow that chosenContinue reading “The Caveman Couple Dine Alone”