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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Eating Europe, Week Four– Breakfasts and Views

DELPHI, GREECE— Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Back home, I have several options. There is my “Daddy Breakfast,” the go-to morning meal I make at home at the request of the children. It’s the same every time— Allan Benton’s bacon cooked in my cast-iron skillet, hash browns cooked crisp in the greaseContinue reading “Eating Europe, Week Four– Breakfasts and Views”


I am in the early stretch of a one-year, 30-country, tour of Europe. By the end of this journey— if I do my job correctly— I will have written two books, hundreds of blogs, and completed a few magazine assignments, while eating my way across the continent.   By the end of the year, IContinue reading “Bologna”


“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”— Hamlet, act I, scene IV. Shakespeare’s Marcellus was wrong. I love this place. COPENHAGEN— Quick, tell me everything you know about Copenhagen, Denmark. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Yeah, me, too. If someone had asked me that question a few months ago, I could have told them that “Hamlet”Continue reading “Copenhagen”