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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Destin Eats

DESTIN, Fla— I have had a lifelong love affair with this sector of the south. The sun is nice, the water is pretty, and the sand is world-class. But what brings me back is the food. My affection towards the Florida Panhandle, specifically the Destin area, starts and ends in my stomach. As a kidContinue reading “Destin Eats”

Comfort Food

Quick, name you favorite comfort food. Most of the world sees comfort food as a rare treat or guilty pleasure. To many, it’s an every-once-in-a-while food item that can satisfy our hunger, make us feel good, and take us back to our mother and grandmother’s kitchens, all at once. The beauty of Southern cuisine isContinue reading “Comfort Food”


I spent seven years living off of tips. Not advice-style tips such as, “Plant your corn early this year.” No. I lived off of gratuity. Gratuity is what paid my rent, paid the household bills, provided transportation, put food in my belly, and a diploma on my office wall. My entrée into the restaurant industryContinue reading “Tips”