Parenting comes in phases. No one warns you about that at the beginning. Well, maybe they do, but you’re too tired to hear anything in those early months. Now that I am the father of an 18-year old college freshman, I am able to sit back and put some perspective into the past two decadesContinue reading “The Journey”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Stressed, Swamped, and Happy
Most jobs are stress-filled. Some are more stressful than others. The person working the cotton candy concession at the state fair is living a virtual stress–free existence compared to the high-rise window washer in Dubai. In a recent article by Chad Brooks, senior writer at “Business News Daily,” the most stress-intense job in America isContinue reading “Stressed, Swamped, and Happy”
Recipe Tasting
The restaurant business is a harsh mistress. The hours are long, the work is stressful, the margins are low, the failure rate is huge, and I love every minute of it. One of the components of this business that can seem arduous is recipe testing. Those who have done it before realize that it isContinue reading “Recipe Tasting”
The independent restaurant business is the occupational embodiment of the American dream and the industry of opportunity. For hundreds of years, first generation Greek, Italian, Asian, and Hispanic immigrants traveled to this country and opened small diners and cafés. They created the backbone of the restaurant industry that we know today. Three generations later theirContinue reading “Strick's”
RSJ’s Top 10 of 2015
For the 17 years that this column has been published I have ended the year with a list of the best meals I had eaten throughout the previous 12 months. Typically, the list is filled with fine-dining restaurants and meals incorporating over-the-top presentations and exotic ingredients. This year I’m going in a different direction. InContinue reading “RSJ’s Top 10 of 2015”
'Tis the Season
Am I the only one suffering from holiday discombobulation this year? Does it feel like the Christmas season to you, or is it just me who hasn’t embraced the holidays, yet? I sat down at my desk to write a Christmas column, but I’m just not feeling it. Your columnist appears in a couple ofContinue reading “'Tis the Season”
Rainbow Cookies
If one could travel back in time to 1966 in Hattiesburg, Miss., there are three likely locations one would find five-year old Robert St. John— pacing and dreaming in front of the very small and limited toy aisle of the Ben Franklin Five and Dime store, running incessantly at the playground of the KamperContinue reading “Rainbow Cookies”
Strange Pairings
During the 1970s there was a multi-year advertising campaign that promoted Reese’s peanut butter cups by showing people in various situations who— whether by pratfall, an accidental trip/slip, or an awkward stumble— fortuitously fell forward and stuck a chocolate bar into someone else’s peanut butter. The campaign copy read, “You got your chocolate in myContinue reading “Strange Pairings”
Pot Roast
One of the oldest, most frequently used clichés in a food columnist’s lexicon is “my grandmother’s ________.” As a food writer one can fill in the blank with just about any foodstuff. In my case I have often written about my grandmother’s pancakes, fried chicken, leg of lamb, and turkey and dressing. Many of usContinue reading “Pot Roast”