“It’s not about standing still and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating, they have to be about change.”—Miles Davis I’ve been fostering a lot of change in my life lately, and it’s been a blast. Some say change is hard. Fear of the unknown can be a scary thing. It can also beContinue reading “Change”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Dessert of the Gods
A few weeks ago I received a call from my friend Andy Chapman, of the Eat Y’all organization. They were hosting a pastry chef competition and wanted to know if I would like to be a part of the event. My knee-jerk reaction was to say no. I am often asked to judge food competitionsContinue reading “Dessert of the Gods”
Creative Collaboration
If one reads a business book about corporate collaboration there will be many salient points made about how the collaborative process leads to various levels of success. A few years ago one of the hot business buzz phrases was “collaboration.” Those of-the-moment concepts and motivational-poster affirmations can be overwrought and overly simplified. What IContinue reading “Creative Collaboration”
North vs South
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “What is the difference between Southern cooking and Northern cooking?” Actually, I should restate that opening sentence. One of the most frequently asked questions by media located outside of the South is, “What is the difference between Southern cooking and Northern cooking?” If youContinue reading “North vs South”
Maw-Maw's Chicken Scam
It’s time to come clean. It’s a known fact, and I have written often, about my first experience cooking in a professional kitchen. It wasn’t until we opened the Purple Parrot in 1987, and after firing our chef on opening night, that I began cooking in a commercial kitchen. To that point, the entirety ofContinue reading “Maw-Maw's Chicken Scam”
Edible Evil Incarnate
The devil has come to town and he’s wearing a disguise. This devil doesn’t have a red tail and horns. He doesn’t go by an evil moniker such as Lucifer. This devil is made of sugar and spice and has a cutesy name. This evil doesn’t live in a fiery pit, but dwells in aContinue reading “Edible Evil Incarnate”
Jumbo Lump Crabmeat
Three of the most beautiful words in the English language are “jumbo lump crabmeat.” Taken on their own the words are nothing special. If one were playing an association game, the first thing that came to mind upon hearing the word “jumbo” might be an elephant or maybe something connected to a circus. There isContinue reading “Jumbo Lump Crabmeat”
Hal & Mal’s
Independent restaurants anchor a community. They tell the story of a town and its people much better than a slick chamber of commerce brochure. When I am traveling, I skip meals at the hotel and ask the front desk clerk, “Where’s the best place to eat? Not a chain, nothing fancy, I’m looking for theContinue reading “Hal & Mal’s”
Cereal Killers
My love affair with cereal has lasted 54 years. These days I mostly eat oatmeal, which is considered a healthy “warm cereal,” but I have never been too old to eat kid’s cereal, and I still eat plenty of it when I’m not dieting. My children are in their late teens and have alreadyContinue reading “Cereal Killers”