The older I get the more I appreciate the simple things in life. As the tire around my gut grows over my belt and the hairs on my head turn loose instead of grey, I find myself gravitating towards uncomplicated things, and coiling away from life’s little dramas. These days, the more I can doContinue reading “The Beauty of Pizza”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A friend recently told me that he was moving to the Point Clear/Fairhope/Daphne, Ala. area. Upon hearing this I expressed my regret that he would no longer be living in town, immediately followed by the standard plea that I issue to everyone I know who moves to the Point Clear/Fairhope/Daphne area, “Call me when thereContinue reading “Jubilee!”
My childhood babysitter was a half-Choctaw half-African American woman named Ned. She worked at the church nursery and took me to the park every Friday. I loved Ned as much as I have loved anyone in my family. She was wise beyond her years and was the first example I ever had of exemplary workContinue reading “Heart”
Restaurant Soul
My wife and I were dining with friends and the conversation— as it often does in my world— turned to “restaurants.” The discussion was spirited. Everyone was naming favorites and giving opinions on them. Someone mentioned one particular restaurant, and the rapid-fire banter came to a halt. The table fell silent. No one knew exactlyContinue reading “Restaurant Soul”
Soup for the Soul
Someone once said that the four seasons in Mississippi are: Almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas. Others named the four Mississippi seasons as: Dove season, deer season, duck season, and turkey season. It’s true we catch a little flack from those outside the region about our weather. We usually have a couple of belowContinue reading “Soup for the Soul”
The items we assign “value” to tend to change throughout our lives. In 1987, I was 26-years old and had just opened our first restaurant. My dream at that time was to one day own a restaurant in Aspen, Colorado and a restaurant in Destin, Florida. The idea was that the seasons are so oppositeContinue reading “Commodities”
RSJ's TOP 10 of 2016
Every week for 17 years I have written this column, never missing a week. At the end of each of those 17 years I have compiled a list detailing my top 10 dining experiences for that year. This is always one of my favorite columns because it gives me a chance to sit and reflectContinue reading “RSJ's TOP 10 of 2016”
Christmas 2016
Someone once said, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” I don’t necessarily agree with that. I have always believed: The more things change, the more opportunities I have to accept the fact that things are always going to keep changing. Change is inevitable. One better accept it, because nothing can beContinue reading “Christmas 2016”
Faraway Friends
Food Journal December 7th 2016 MILAN— It’s been my experience that the older I get, the more I value relationships over worldly, material things. There was a time in my life— as a younger man— that the opposite was true. The change for the better began occurring around the time my firstContinue reading “Faraway Friends”