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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

The History of the Party According to Robert

My earliest memory is of a cocktail party my parents were hosting in the living room of our small home on 22nd Avenue in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The year was 1965, and I was four years old. After a steady Saturday evening diet of Flipper, I Dream of Jeanie, and Get Smart, I was under the covers at 8:30 pm I can remember lyingContinue reading “The History of the Party According to Robert”

Pineapple Sherbet

Times change, it’s inevitable. People change, it’s inescapable. The seasons don’t change. They come and go as they always have. Winters may seem a little colder, though in reality they’re basically the same as they have always been. It’s just that I get colder these days. Grown up, mature, Robert doesn’t “do” summer like youngContinue reading “Pineapple Sherbet”

The Biz

I love restaurants. Restaurants are my business. They are also my hobby. When I go on vacation I plan the trip around visiting restaurants. Sometimes the vacation is restaurants. I love everything about the business side of restaurants, too. It’s stressful, the hours are long, and the odds of success are lower than most otherContinue reading “The Biz”

The Breakfast Rut

Last year I made a commitment to start an annual four-part summer column series that featured my top-10 New Orleans dinner, lunch, brunch, and breakfast restaurants on four consecutive weeks. The columns were well received and have been accessed on my website hundreds of times. When people use recommendations I’ve made— whether locally or abroad—Continue reading “The Breakfast Rut”

Chicago 2018

CHICAGO— Almost every year since 1988, I have made a late-May journey up here to attend the National Restaurant Association’s annual trade show. It is a massive gathering that brings together every component of the food-service industry under one roof. It’s a yearly kid-in-a-candy-shop moment. McCormick Place on the shore of Lake Michigan is theContinue reading “Chicago 2018”