Anticipation In the early 1970s, pop singer Carly Simon hit the top 40 charts with a song called “Anticipation.” A few months after the song’s release, a company that manufactures ketchup purchased the exclusive rights to use it in a series of television commercials. It forever changed my connection with the song. Instead of thinkingContinue reading “Anticipation”
Author Archives: Robert
Freeze! This is a Ham Up!
Freeze! This is a Ham Up! I read a news story a few weeks ago with this headline: “Robber Allegedly Holds Up Bar With Ham Sandwich.” O.K., I thought, you’ve got my attention, I’ll bite. The story stated: “Police say a man used what they call a ‘gun-shaped’ object in his attempt to rob aContinue reading “Freeze! This is a Ham Up!”
Heroes The world is filled with heroes; unfortunately we sometimes don’t know where to find them. Years ago I was closing a deal with a very successful businessperson. One of the principals involved in the negotiation ran a large national company that was responsible for inventing a certain product. I was given the lengthy detailsContinue reading “Heroes”
Bring Back the Bone
Bring Back the Bone In my estimation, one out of every four new restaurants that open in my hometown is an establishment that features fried chicken fingers as its main offering. When I was a kid, fried chicken eaten outside of my grandmother’s house came in buckets and had bones in it. I don’t rememberContinue reading “Bring Back the Bone”
The Basket and the Box
The Basket and the Box My friend Wyatt became a grandfather last week. I am beginning to come to grips with the fact that I am old enough to have friends that are eligible grandparents. Before driving to Jackson to be present at the birth, I grabbed a large wicker basket from my house andContinue reading “The Basket and the Box”
The New Mississippi Oil Boom
The New Mississippi Oil Boom Yesterday I spent $70.00 to fill my vehicle with gas. Gasoline prices are at an all-time high and experts are forecasting even steeper prices in the near future. I am not worried. With all of the recent talk of record-high gas prices affecting the economy, more information is now beingContinue reading “The New Mississippi Oil Boom”
A Tale of Two Pancakes
A Tale of Two Pancakes When I am on the road, the first thing I ask the front desk clerk at a hotel is: “Where is the best independent, locals-only restaurant that serves a good breakfast?” I never miss breakfast when I’m out of town. While spending the morning in a local diner, one canContinue reading “A Tale of Two Pancakes”
The Bug Truck
The Bug Truck Yesterday I was on my way home from the office and passed an ice cream truck just two blocks from my house. I can’t remember the last time I saw an ice cream truck in my neighborhood. It was probably sometime around 1974. As a kid growing up in the thick heatContinue reading “The Bug Truck”
Baseball, Red Dirt, and Apple Pie.
Baseball, Red Dirt, and Apple Pie. Baseball and food are numinously entwined. The two go together like peanuts and Cracker Jack. Times have changed from the popcorn, peanuts, and hot dog days of our youth. Today’s major league ballparks feature servers who take your order while you sit in your seat, enter the order onContinue reading “Baseball, Red Dirt, and Apple Pie.”