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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.


Had my high school yearbook had the designation, “Least Likely to Succeed,” I probably would have been a shoe-in for that distinction. My photograph, with overly bow-dried hair and an opened-to-the-third-button large-collared shirt, would have been posted directly across the page from Lynn and Chris who were awarded “Best School Spirit” or “Friendliest” or someContinue reading “Easter”

884 Weekly Columns and Still Typing Using Only Three Fingers

Today marks the 17th anniversary of this weekly column. A frequent question I am asked is, “How did all of this column writing and book publishing start?” As with many things in my life, I fell into it in a backwards and unintended way. I got lucky here and there, was helped along the wayContinue reading “884 Weekly Columns and Still Typing Using Only Three Fingers”