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Robert St. John

Restaurateur, author, enthusiastic traveler, & world-class eater.

Feeding Mississippians is my life’s work.

I’ve been doing that in my restaurants since 1987. Then through my cookbooks, and also through the good work of Extra Table, a grassroots non-profit I founded back in 2009. Whether you’ve been part of this journey with me for years or are just stopping by, I’m glad you’re here. Onward!

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My first clear memory of her is not a happy one. It’s when she came into my brother’s bedroom and…

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Featured Recipe

Smoked Duck and Grits

My brother is an avid duck hunter and I was thinking of him when we were testing this recipe. The grits say “basic” though they’re anything but basic. They are very rich, but so good, and perfect for this recipe. The caramelized onions are an equal player in this three-component game.

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What Robert is Listening To

RSJ loves music and is always reliving his days disc jockeying the midnight shift for WHSY FM. Follow this link to listen to what he's listening to this month.

Robert's Spotify